Morning Headlines | breaking news 8 Feb | india news | top news | #HASTAKSHEP
Top 10 news in morning.
1. 10 missing after avalanche hits Jammu-Srinagar
2. Saudi Prince told aide he would use ‘a bullet’ on
Khashoggi: NYT
3. Youngest US Congresswoman unveils ambitious
renewable-energy plan
4. Andhra Assembly passes Bill for 5% quota to Kapus
5. Google Doodle raises a cup to German chemist Runge
6. AITA sure of India’s visit to Pakistan for Davis
Cup tie
7. Australia denies issuing arrest warrant for
Bahraini refugee footballer
8. I stand by women’s right to be treated with dignity,
respect: Shatrughan Sinha
9. Twitter says will stop reporting monthly active
10. Govind Namdev not only good actor but patriot
too: Amitabh Bachchan
topics in last 24 hours
India national cricket team, India, Twenty20, Rohit
Sharma, Match.
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2019, ganesh jayanti status.
topics in last 12 hours
Propose Day. February 8.
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images today, chocolate day images, which day today, propose day status.
Propose Day, Valentine’s Day.
India, Smriti Mandhana, New Zealand national cricket team, Run.
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