#Breaking: Top headlines of India today. The latest breaking news in India | 21 July 2021

Amalendu Upadhyaya
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Updates on COVID-19

42,015 new cases, 36,977 recoveries in the last 24 hours

Active caseload currently at 4,07,170, constitute 1.30% of total cases

Daily positivity rate at 2.27%, less than 3% for 30 consecutive days.

The global spread of Delta

The Delta variant of the coronavirus is occurring across world regions, the WHO has noted. Which are the countries where it has spread, and how prevalent is it compared to other variants such as Alpha?

French President Macron, Pakistani PM Imran Khan and Iraqi President Barham Salih among leaders targeted by Pegasus spyware, according to multiple reports

Three presidents, 10 prime ministers and a king were among those targeted by Pegasus spyware licensed by the private Israeli technology firm NSO Group, according to The Washington Post and partner news organisations in 10 countries.

Macron’s phone was targeted by a group in Morocco, according to the media consortium

The Guardian reports that Morocco, Rwanda, Mexico, India and the UAE are some of the countries that used Pegasus spyware to surveil world leaders. NSO Group has denied that Macron was targeted by the spyware and Rwanda, Morocco and India have denied involvement in spying on journalists and politicians.

Pegasus snooping may have helped in the toppling of the Congress-JD(S) govt in Karnataka in 2019

“In the run-up to the toppling of the opposition-run state government in Karnataka in July 2019, the phone numbers of deputy chief minister G. Parameshwara and the personal secretaries of chief minister H.D. Kumaraswamy and former chief minister Siddaramaiah were selected as possible targets for surveillance,” according to the news website The Wire, which reviewed records of numbers that were of interest to an Indian client of Israel’s NSO group.

The U.S. condemns ‘extra-judicial surveillance’ of journalists, activists and regime critics

The Biden administration has condemned the harassment and ‘extrajudicial surveillance’ of journalists and others in reaction to reports published by a consortium of news websites that Israeli company NSO Group’s spyware, Pegasus, was used for illegal hacking and surveillance of individuals in India and other countries.

Supreme Court in majority verdict quashes part of 97th Constitutional amendment on cooperatives

The Supreme Court of India on July 20 in a 2:1 majority verdict upheld the validity of the 97th constitutional amendment that deals with issues related to effective management of cooperative societies but struck down a part inserted by it which relates to the Constitution and working of cooperative societies.

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