This letter is sent to Arvind Kejriwal by Prof. Dinesh Varshney, Secretary, Communist Party of India, Delhi State Council
SHRI Arvind Kejriwal. Date- 27-03-2020
Chief Minister of Delhi
Govt.of NCT Delhi
I am writing this letter to you after two days when I wrote a letter to Shri. Manish Sisodia ji regarding the problem of food and shelter to poor, daily wagers, marginalized in Delhi that food arrangements by your Government at night shelters are very inadequate. Reasons being relief measures announced by you or the Government of India in view of COVID 19 SPREAD will not reach to all ie construction workers in Delhi are around 10 Lakhs, but registered for whom you announced are only 37000. Similarly daily wagers are huge in numbers in DELHI. Similarly all in Delhi don’t have ration cards .
Large numbers of poor working in Delhi even don’t have any identity of Delhi and they are migrant workers.
Lock down led to closer of all eastablisments. Hence no income to Lakhs in Delhi.
Hence we urge you that following steps may ease situation in Delhi in maintaining complete lockdown.
- Please open community kitchens with free food arrangements atleast five to six in each corporation wards to avoid chaotic conditions at present at night shelters. Kerala Government have done this .Small and cheaper food eateries are closed hence it is most essential at war footing.
- Number of night shelters should also be on similar pattern as suggested in point no 1.
- Children of these poor people can’t be left to the mercy of emergency. All facilities should be provided to them at all locations.
- In view of incoming dangers of Kovid 19 health facilities in Delhi may come under great pressure and stress. Large numbers of beds be created not only in Government hospitals but should also be in Private hospitals free of cost to all. Existing laws in Delhi permits this. If You feel that they are not sufficient enough than Delhi government can bring new act. We will fully support this.
- We have observed that disinfectant spray has started but in very very limited areas and that too only in very few locations. It has to be in entire Delhi . For this we have to understand Settlement Pattern of Delhi and high density demographic areas should be prioritised. But it’s should be in Entire DELHI. Fire Brigade services can also be used and spray canons have to be purchased on emergency basis which can also be used in future emergencies.
- We are receiving calls of serious shortage and black marketing of certified hand sanitizers. Their supply is to be augmented and enforcement agencies have to be made supper active to stop black marketing.
- Mid day meals served should Now be served to children in home’s. Kerala state have done this.
We are writing this letter to you to further augment help and serives in Delhi by your Government and not for any political reasons because many of our party branches are serving rations to needy despite movement ban. We will continue to do so and untitdely fight against the spread of KOVID 19.
Prof. Dinesh Varshney
Communist Party of India
Delhi State Council National Council Member CPI