Long live Moeed Pirzada ! Long live Imama Khan !

Amalendu Upadhyaya
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By Justice Markandey Katju
Long live Moeed Pirzada ! Long live Imama Khan !
Long live Moeed Pirzada ! Long live Imama Khan !

For some time I have been writing articles inter alia for a Pakistani website called globalvillagespace.com, which has been started by the brave Pakistani journalist Moeed Pirzada.

Moeed has been living in America for quite some time ( he dare not go back to Pakistan as he is sure to be arrested there on fake charges ), and has been fighting against the reign of terror and for restoration of democracy in Pakistan. Moeed also runs a Youtube channel called GVS NEWS, and regularly appears on Twitter.

While Moeed lives in America, he has a small team inside Pakistan which bravely runs the website which publishes my articles. The person to whom I send my articles is a lady called Imama Khan, but I believe there are 7 or 8 others in the team too, in different parts of Pakistan.

Some of my articles published by globalvillagespace.com are given below :







Many other articles I sent were not published, evidently due to fear of the publishers in view of the prevailing situation inPakistan.

Today morning I received this message from Moeed on Whatsapp, which prompted me to write this article :

'' GVS has been blocked/shut down in Pakistan. Our team apparently believes that your articles irritated the authorities ''.

I never thought I was such a demon, bogeyman, bugaboo, bete noire, hobgoblin, and nightmare for the Pakistan Establishment. Unfortunately their arms are not long enough to reach me in India, otherwise, had I been in Pakistan, I would have been arrested, given a lot of third degree, and carted and bundled off to a dingy dirty cell in Attock jail long ago.

Hats off to the brave Pakistani journalists, like those who were bringing out globalvillagespace.com, and are fighting for restoration of democracy in Pakistan ! All right minded persons support them in this dark period.

(Justice Katju is a retired judge of the Supreme Court of India. These are his personal views.)

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