What did Justice Katju say on the India-Canada dispute?

Amalendu Upadhyaya
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 Off with his head

Justin Trudeau with PM Modi
Justin Trudeau with PM Modi
By Justice Markandey Katju

It is a basic principle of natural justice that no one should be condemned unheard. But paying scant regard to this principle, the Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, and some persons taking his queue, flocked together with one voice to condemn the Indian Government for the killing of a Canadian Sikh, though no evidence was disclosed by the Canadians, and nothing shared with the Indian authorities (see this video of a press conference briefing by a spokesman of the Indian Govt).


I am reminded of the Queen of Hearts in Lewis Carroll's 'Alice in Wonderland' who would say ' Off with his head! ' even before a trial was held giving a hearing to the accused.


Prime Minister Trudeau said in the Canadian House of Commons that there was 'credible allegation' that the Indian Government had a hand in the murder. He did not even say that there was credible evidence. And till now nothing has been disclosed.


Is allegation itself evidence and proof? Or is expulsion of an Indian diplomat enough evidence and proof ?

The Indian Govt has called Trudeau's allegation absurd and motivated



Even the Leader of the Opposition in Canada said that the Prime Minister has not disclosed any facts


Some believe Trudeau wanted to appease the Canadian Sikhs to get their votes


A US Govt spokesperson said that the US Govt is 'deeply concerned' about Trudeau's allegation, a statement which really means nothing. The UK Govt has said nothing, and Trudeau seems to stand isolated.


It is time now that Trudeau comes clean, and either discloses any evidence he has, or else render an apology to India for hastily jumping the gun without any proper investigation.

(Justice Katju is a retired judge of the Supreme Court of India. These are his personal views.)


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