Indians are a great nation

Amalendu Upadhyaya
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By Justice markandey Katju

Justice markandey Katju
Justice markandey Katju

Indians, although I have always wanted you to rise as a great nation in the world, I would sometimes get despondent about it seeing the silly and immature behaviour of many of you on several occasions.

But my faith in you has again been restored after the rousing and hearty reception you gave to the Pakistan team on their arrival in Hyderabad to play in the cricket World Cup. You have proved by your behaviour that you are a truly great nation.

In the past it often happened that whenever India played against Pakistan, many Indians used to hoot, jeer and sometimes even abuse the Pakistan players.

But all that has now changed. Despite all efforts by some vested interests and the despicable propaganda of the 'godi' media to sow hatred against Muslims and Pakistanis in your hearts and divide you, you have not been influenced and got carried away by this. This demonstrates and proves that one day you will certainly stand unitedly and become a mighty and prosperous nation in the world stage.

I particularly want to congratulate the people of Hyderabad in this connection for the warm welcome they gave to the Pakistan team.

Now there is one thing further you must do.

As most of you would be knowing, India is playing Pakistan on 14th October in Ahmedabad. If Pakistan wins, you must congratulate the Pakistan team heartily and celebrate the event as much as if India wins. If a Pakistani batsman like Babar Azam hits a sixer or a boundary, or if a Pakistani bowler like Shaheen Afridi gives a good performance, you must cheer them heartily.

This is because India and Pakistan are really one nation, only temporarily and artificially separated by a British swindle in 1947, but which are sure to reunite one day. So whichever team wins, it will be India which has won.

(Justice Katju is a retired judge of the Supreme Court of India. These are his personal views.)

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