The credo of India's politicians

Amalendu Upadhyaya
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The credo of India's politicians
The credo of India's politicians

By Justice Markandey Katju

The recent caste census in Bihar underscores what is known to many : the fundamental tenet and maxim of Indian politicians is that one must win elections by hook or crook, even if that takes the country to hell.

On the basis of the result of this caste census, Bihar Chief Minister, Nitish Kumar, has demanded 75% reservations, as against the maximum of 50% fixed by the Supreme Court in Indira Sawhney vs Union of India in 1992.

Nitish Kumar's obvious motivation was to improve his party's poll prospects

Political leaders are divided over this move, not because they believe it will or will not be for the people's welfare, but on a consideration whether it will improve their poll prospects or damage it.

Our politicians have no genuine love for the people or their welfare. They only seek power and pelf, even if that takes the country to hell. And for that they polarise society and incite caste and communal hatred, to get votes. The gullible public, like children following a Pied Piper of Hamelin, are taken for a ride.

I have repeatedly said that far from benefiting the dalits or OBCs, caste reservations do them great harm, as explained in the articles.
I have also said that today unity of our people is absolutely vital if India is to march to its goal of becoming a highly modern and highly industrialised country, which alone can abolish poverty, unemployment, malnourishment, lack of proper healthcare, and other socio-economic evils which plague our society today.
The developed countries want to keep us divided so that India, with its cheap labour, does not emerge as a modern industrial giant, like another China, as explained

Indian politicians, of all parties, are nothing but agents of the developed countries, who, through these agents, polarise society and incite caste and communal hatred, so that the Indian people remain divided, and do not unite, and thus remain poor and backward. Our politicians, of all parties, are nothing but a bunch of rogues, rascals, gangsters,looters and deceivers

The Bihar caste census, and Nitish Kumar's proposal, are therefore anti national steps, as explained below, as they divide us further, and therefore must be condemned.

(Justice Katju is a retired judge of the Supreme Court of India. These are his personal views.)

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