At one's own door who is not a lion?

Amalendu Upadhyaya
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By Justice Markandey Katju

At one's own door who is not a lion?

To someone

जानामि नागेश तव प्रभावम

कण्ठस्तितः गरजसि शंकरस्य

स्थानम प्रधानम न च बलम प्रधानम

द्वारस्थितः को अपि न सिंहः

Jaanaami Nagesh tava prabhaavam

Kanthastitah garjasi Shankarasya

Sthaanam pradhaanam na cha balam pradhaanam

Dwaarasthitah ko api na singhah ?

O King of the serpents, I know your power

You are hissing because you are sitting on Lord Shankar's neck

It is the position one occupies which is important, not one's own strength

At one's own door who is not a lion?

(Justice Katju is a retired judge of the Supreme Court of India. These are his personal views.)

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