The hijacking of Yoga

Amalendu Upadhyaya
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By Justice Markandey Katju

Many people commented on my fb posts on Yoga Day, which is being celebrated today, by asking whether I am also against Independence Day, Republic Day, Diwali, Holi, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Children’s Day, etc ? Why only against Yoga Day ?

I have nothing against Yoga, or against the others mentioned above. What I am against is hijacking them for a political agenda.

The Roman Emperors used to say, ”If you cannot give the people bread, give them circuses”.

Today’s Indian Emperors say, “If you cannot solve the massive problems of poverty, unemployment, hunger, price rise, healthcare, farmers distress, etc, give the Indian people stunts and gimmicks like Yoga Day, Ram Mandir, Swatchata Abhiyan, CAA, Article 370 revocation, etc”.

(Justice Markandey Katju is former Chairman, Press Council of India and former Judge, Supreme Court of India.)


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