Narendra Modi is an agent of Western powers
By Justice Markandey Katju
To my mind, Narendra Modi is clearly an agent of Western powers. Why do I say this? Let me explain.
The first
thing to understand is that this world is really not one world but two
worlds--(1) the world of the developed countries, and (2) the world of the
underdeveloped countries.
The truth is contained in these articlesarticles I have written :
As mentioned therein, this world is really two worlds (1) the world of the developed countries, e.g. North America, Europe, Japan, Australia, Russia and China, and (2) the world of the underdeveloped countries, which includes India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and other neighbouring countries, as well as other countries in Asia ( except Japan and China ), Africa and Latin America.
There is a secret, unwritten rule among developed countries that underdeveloped countries must not be allowed to become developed countries. This is because underdeveloped countries have cheap labour, and the cost of labour is a big chunk of the total cost of production. Countries with cheap labour have a distinct advantage over countries with expensive labour ( provided they build up a massive industrial base ), since they can sell their goods at a cheaper price, and thus undersell the latter.
For instance, China was earlier a poor, underdeveloped country, but after its Revolution in 1949, the leaders who came to power built up a massive industrial base in China. That massive industrial base, coupled with the cheap labour available in China, has enabled the Chinese to undersell the whole world in consumer goods. Western supermarkets are packed with Chinese goods, which often sell at half the price at which Western manufacturers can sell ( because Western labour is expensive ).
Labour in India is even cheaper than Chinese labour. So if India builds up a massive industrial base, for which it has all the potential ( as it has thousands of bright scientists, engineers and technicians, as well as immense natural resources ), what will happen to the industries of the developed countries? Many of them will collapse, as they will not be able to face the competition of Indian industries, throwing millions of people out of their jobs.
Will the developed countries permit this? No, they will not and will oppose it tooth and nail.
And how do they prevent it? They do it by polarising society through their agents, spreading hatred between communities, and making Indians fight each other in the name of religion, caste, language and race. The political leaders of underdeveloped countries are really puppets of the developed countries, as I have explained in my article ’The puppets and the puppeteer’ (see the link above), and will do the bidding of their foreign masters.
As regards Pakistan, I have explained in the article below that it is a fake, artificial country created by the British swindle called Partition, by partitioning India on the basis of the bogus two-nation theory, so that Hindus and Muslims in the subcontinent keep fighting each other, thus wasting their precious resources, and united India does not emerge as a modern industrial giant, like another Chinalike another China.
The interest of developed countries is thus directly in conflict with the interest of the underdeveloped countries like India. The former's interest is that underdeveloped countries, like India, must not be allowed to become developed, because if they do, with their cheap labour they will destroy western industries which will not be able to face the competition from countries having cheap labour.
On the other hand, the interest of underdeveloped countries like India is that we must rapidly industrialise and become a modern industrial giant, like USA or China, for only then we will be able to abolish the curse of massive poverty, unemployment, malnourishment, lack of proper healthcare and good education, etc
For attaining his objective we have to launch a mighty historical people's struggle led by modern-minded patriotic leaders which will be arduous, protracted, and in which tremendous sacrifices will have be made.
Katju is a retired judge of the Supreme Court. These are his personal views.)